Meet Dr. Gallahue
Aloha & Welcome, I am Dr. Catherine Gallahue, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist based in Honolulu, Hawaii.
I provide individualized, responsive, and high quality individual, family, and group psychotherapy to Hawaii residents.
Now accepting new clients in my Telehealth Practice.
Meet Dr. Gallahue
Aloha & Welcome, I am Dr. Catherine Gallahue, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist based in Honolulu, Hawaii.
I provide individualized, responsive, and high quality individual, family, and group psychotherapy to Hawaii residents.
Now accepting new clients in my Telehealth Practice.
why telehealth?
Connect from the comfort of your own home! Online therapy or Teletherapy is conducted via a secure teleconferencing platform. All you need is a stable WiFi connection, a phone, laptop, or tablet with a camera, and a pair of headphones.
Telehealth is amazing, even when we aren't in a global pandemic.
- Eliminate commute time
- Decrease scheduling hassles
- Connect from the comfort of your own home
why telehealth?
Connect from the comfort of your own home! Online therapy or Teletherapy is conducted via a secure teleconferencing platform. All you need is a stable WiFi connection, a phone, laptop, or tablet with a camera, and a pair of headphones.
Telehealth is amazing, even when we aren't in a global pandemic.
- Eliminate commute time
- Decrease scheduling hassles
- Connect from the comfort of your own home
A journey of a Thousand Miles
Begins with a Single Step– Lao Tzu –
A journey of a Thousand Miles
Begins with a Single Step– Lao Tzu –
OUR Services
OUR Services
Schedule your free consultation today
Schedule your free consultation today